Thursday, September 23, 2010

Here's the skinny

I bent down (at the knee, into a squatting position) to plug my computer cord into the wall in the studio today and from behind a boy in my program asked me, "How do you still fit into your jeans?"

Now I'd just like to ask, how does one respond to that question?

I don't think he was trying to be rude. I think he was just curious about how I, being a nearly five months pregnant, can fit in my tight jeans.

But I was in a quandary. Do I tell him the truth? Do I say, "Well, there's this little trick where you don't button your top button and use a rubber-band to keep your pants up." It just seems like too much information. Way to much information.

So I shrugged and told him that my baby and I made a deal about when she can grow big enough that I have to buy new pants.


Jessie said...

hahaha i love it!! what an awkward question! some people say the weirdest things...

Rosie said...

haha! I hadn't heard yet that you were expecting-- congrats! And I like your reply. And I forgot about that little rubber band trick. Funny the things you forget.

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