Thursday, September 27, 2012

The hum

I haven't written here as much lately. Part of it is that I don't have much to say. The other part is that I don't know how to articulate my thoughts. I've been thinking a lot about what it means to be a women, and a Christian, and open, and God-fearing, and full of faith. I've been thinking about peace and contentment and how you find it when things seem less-than-peaceful and you feel less-than content.

I've found a lot of help while on my knees. I've felt so good and happy this week. And it's been much like weeks previously: parks, bike rides, a walk around the block, a trip to the National Mall a few times, reading the same books for the umpteenth time (and wishing she would listen to me read the books want to read sometimes), trips to the grocery store, samples at Costco. Only this week I've been full of gratitude rather than full of "I seriously need a new couch"-type thoughts.

Life hums on.

We attended the National Book Festival last Saturday. Ada was in heaven. From the bands, to the books, to the oodles of babies, she could have spent all day there. We had plans that afternoon to go swimming with friends, however. It was fun to stretch on our suits one last time (I thought the beach was the last time...) before the chill sets in. I loved chatting with friends from Bologna (and wishing we were back there. I would so go back, even though it's so far away).

Yesterday Ada and jumped on the bike and headed to the Air and Space Museum. This is always one of the most crowded. Not as much fun with a toddler. She was more excited about the fans on the ceiling and riding the escalator than the ROCKET SHIPS hanging from the rafters. We spent 20 solid minutes sitting in a hot air balloon basket eating Pirate's Booty and string cheese. I'm gearing up to take her to an art museum one of these days. The Hirshorn, maybe?

Ada is learning new words by the minute it seems. She is beginning to try everything and pick up things I didn't even realize. She's also in a strangely lovey phase. She gives kisses to everyone and has been giving "loves" to the couch. (?) It's silly 'round these parts. She's also becoming more assertive and lets us know even more clearly (i.e. screaming louder and thrashing harder) when she has a "need" not being met.

This morning she woke up particularly happy. She hung out in bed with us for a bit and then saw the ghost in the living room and had to go in and give him a kiss with a big, "Muahm!" Mike and I talked about how much we love her and listened to her play. Then it was quiet for too long and the silence begged me out of bed. I found her bathing the ghost in the toilet and patting her own head with water from the bowl. Yikes.

Constant vigilance. . .


Meg said...

You probably already know about this, but there's a really cool art museum called the Philip's Collection. It was the best art I saw in DC

Brianna Smith said...

The Hirshorn is on our list of "Things to do" too! The sculpture garden looks fun for little ones. I keep telling myself that because I have taken Taryn to so many "toddler friendly" museums, she will do well in an Art Gallery soon. (Keeping my fingers crossed!) We can't even count how many times we have said how much we loved our time in Bologna- and talks about planning a trip for his reunion. Oh, Bologna, how we miss you.

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