Wednesday, August 27, 2008


It was sort of on a whim. I had planned on getting it done later this week, but when I got home from work OlderAndWiserToo informed me that, "if I want to sleep at Mom and Dad's tonight, I have to go to Grandma's and get my pajamas." So I started packing.

It only took 30 minutes to cram all my stuff in the back of Brian, my faithful Honda of 3 years. But he was full to the gills. I was continually astounded this summer as we were cleaning out storage closets and dresser drawers just how much STUFF one accumulates over the course of a lifetime. And look at me. I had an entire car full after just 19 years. This is not good. I wanted to pare down then and there, get rid of some of the superfluous things that seem to suffocate so many, but I'll have to save that project for a later date. There are just too many in the works right now.

Everything fit just fine in my new space. It felt fresh and new. I felt excited and ready; waiting to start a new year of crescendoing upwards and outwards. It feels good. I feel good.

The digs.

I have yet to put the finishing touches on the place. The closet doors still lean up against the wall next to my closet and some things have yet to find a home but it makes me excited to watch it all gradually fall into place.

Mr. Apple likes it too.

I love when periods of your life feel like you're taking a huge, week long breath. A big inhale. A refreshing rush. That's what the last week has been, a refreshing rush of new space, new life, new opportunity...and it's just beginning.

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