Monday, December 8, 2008


I know a girl who never thinks a selfish thought. Who looks to help others. Constantly. And who always strives to be the person that He would want her to be. I know a girl who studies and strives. Even though sometimes the pay off isn't so great. I know a girl who loves to cuddle. One who gets a charge from being around people who love her, because she loves them ten times more in return. I know a girl who, at times, feels small, and insecure, and lonely. But I also know a girl who is empowered by the things she knows to be true. I know a girl who shares. I know a girl who sings and strums and serenades. I know a girl who dances. I know a girl who has an eternal perspective and inspires me to do the same. I know a girl who loves getting eight solid hours of sleep. And will sleep until she gets it. I know a girl who reads diligently (and maybe sometimes obsessively). I know a girl who laughs at lame things I say, but tells me that she likes me all the same. I know a girl who loves so much, sometimes it hurts. I know a girl who turned twenty-two today. And she deserves the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is lovely. i think you both can be incredicly proud of being such a lovely person's sister.

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