Monday, April 6, 2009


I went to an artist lecture last Thursday given by Casey Jex Smith and one of the points he hit hard was that art and the church don't have to butt heads, in fact, they can go beautifully hand in hand. He stressed over and over again to "Stay active in the Church!" and to use the scriptures as a source of visual inspiration. There is a wealth of imagery contained in the pages.

With this still in my mind last night I began reading in D&C 137 and the second verse says that Joseph Smith "saw the transcendent beauty of the gate through which the heirs of that kingdom will enter." My mind was taken up and played with images for a few minutes as I anticipated making the covenants that will prepare me to be worthy to enter that kingdom. I can't believe in just a few short weeks I'll enter the doors of the temple that I've grown up by my whole life, and finally be able to receive the sacred instruction that takes place within the temple walls.

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