Sunday, May 3, 2009


Here's a tragedy for you: Saturday morning my camera was dead. I had no idea until we were at the Eastern Market and I wanted to take a picture of the little man behind us in line. I saw him when we were waiting for breakfast and I thought then, and still believe now, that he is Santiago (i.e. The Old Man and the Sea). So I wanted to take a picture of him.

But Saturday was far from tragic. After sleeping in Husband and I walked a few blocks to the famous Eastern Market and had the much-talked-about breakfast (which was no let down, let Parley tell ya . . . ) The guy taking orders is jovial and good humored and has a real loud bellowing voice that he uses to shout, "Two orders'a blueberreh!" After literally eating until I could eat no more, we headed out to the street to look over the flea and farmer's market. One of the coolest things I saw were these cutting boards (yes, I must be a married woman if I start salivating over a hand-crafted cutting board), but honestly, they were more like works of art. I've never seen such manipulation of the grain to make patterns and designs. It was incredible.

We came home after 1 and had a lazy afternoon before readying ourselves to go to the temple. It took a severe battle with the GPS unit to figure out how to get there, but it was well worth the drive. We did a session and spent time together before embarking on the journey home. Somehow we did it without going on the freeway and have decided that the GPS is possessed. Completely. We remembered when we were on the road that the next day was Fast Sunday. Not having eaten since our massive breakfast, I was beginning to get really hungry (it was after 8 by this time) but agreed to let Husband pray and begin our fast. 30 minutes we got home, barely drug our starving carcasses to the Clubhouse and decided to end it. 30 minutes? Not too shabby eh? (We'll try again next week).

We changed our clothes and packed a couple of tuna sandwiches before grabbing our Metro passes and heading to town. We had yet to walk The Mall together and figured that a cool, breezy night would be the perfect time to do it.

It was.

The monuments were lit up in their usual grandeur and we enjoyed the night so much. After walking past the Washington we headed to the fairly new World War II Memorial and sat down to have our late dinner. Tuna sandwiches have never tasted so good. Husband sat pondering his patriotism, the war, the solution to the conflict in Gaza, how to democritize China, how to end the Castro regime, how to end poverty in Africa, the origins of man . . . while I fiddled around with the camera and fixed my hair. I do such important things. We took time after finishing to walk around the memorial and read the quotes on the walls together, discuss symbolism and relish being married, living in DC, and having tuna breath.

Wifey and Husband at the World War II Memorial in Washington DC

We continued our walk while Husband told me stories about ElderGrandpa in Okinawa. It was touching to hear how much Husband reveres him and listen to how much he has impacted his life. The walk along the reflecting pool was beautiful. We were nearly the only ones out there and the night just seemd to envelop us in its peace and calm. We went up to the Lincoln and I don't know how it still takes my breath away but it just does. Every. Time.

By the time we got on the Metro we were the only ones there. It wasn't a scary lonely feeling, but rather a special and solitary one. It was like the night was made just for us. And think, we still have nights in the city for three months more!

1 comment:

Channeling Jane said...

Start telling me bad things about D.C., because I am getting greener by the moment.

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