While we waited we listened to some live music, tried to get into a club, got rejected from a private party (but all we really wanted was some juice) and successfully avoided every celeb at the festival. Oh well . . .
Saturday consisted of 2 hours of errands and random things to check off my list, 2 hours of research for my paper, 30 minutes of good-deeding, 1 hour of running, 30 minutes of family, 5 hours of switching off back and forth between reading for bio and writing a personal essay, 15 minutes of trying to eat rice pudding, an hour of teaching Lil' Lou to drive a stick (accompanied by an hour of laughter) and time spent with a friend who loves learning to be decisive.
Sunday was an attempted farewell, a bit of piano-ing, a short practice for an impending musical number, another farewell, some more singing, a few tears, some tasty tacos, visting teaching, a leadership meeting, family home evening, ward prayer (which not only last 45 minutes because the bishop had us passing around a gun that killed someone, but was also twisted an morbid on all sorts of levels), choir practice, running clothes to an anxious sister, and two constructive conversations.
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