Thursday, February 7, 2008


Look! What are they doing? They're demolishing memories, that's what! Farewell fond EFY days of laughter and sunshine, wristbands and forced social interaction. Goodbye spiritual highs amidst social pressures and excessive primping. Adieu quirky counselors, late night pizza parties, and giggly girl fests. I'll miss you all.

However, change is good. The buildings were slightly unsightly (although no worse than the seedy Foreign Language houses or the drab and dull assortment of Heritage Halls buildings might I interject). But I'm sure this will pave the way for better and brighter On-Campus housing experiences which are over-priced and manipulative, but worth it most of the time.

Oh yeah. Happy Chinese New Year. Welcome Year of the Rat. It's going to be a good one. Maybe this is a good reminder to check in on those resolutions. . .

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