Monday, May 11, 2009


Courtesy of Literasar and Cheerolyn, Husband and I got to attend a performance by the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts last Thursday. The top floor of the Kennedy Center is a restaurant we grabbed a bite to eat there and strolled around the balcony before going down stairs and passing time prior to the performance starting.

I had never seen a sanitary toilet cover like this before, and I know it's weird to have rolling footage in a bathroom stall, but I couldn't help myself. You'll understand too once you watch it.

Atop the Kennedy Center with Mr. Lincoln in the background.

We had twenty minutes or so between dinner and the time the doors opened, so we browsed the gift shop and read up on the Kennedy's. I picked up a biography of Jackie O and Husband figured out the timeline of JFK's political career. I think he's calculating a way to be the new youngest president ever to be elected . . .

The show was awesome. We lucked out and our tickets fell during the "Cross Currents - Contemporary Music Week." The program was incredible. Many of the composers and original conductors were there which added a very cool element to the show. They had the opportunity to talk a bit about the work before it was performed. I enjoyed it so much.

The first piece, Imagin'd Corners by Julian Anderson, featured 5 horns that moved throughout the concert hall during the performance, really creating this ethereal surrounding of sound. The title comes from one of John Doone's Holy Sonnets which lend to a powerful vision of the Last Judgement and the Resurrection. The horns seemed like a clarion call, waking the dead and ushering in the newly resurrected Messiah. It was incredibly poignant despite the non-melodic nature of the piece.

We had an incredible time. Thank you so much!

Before entering the Concert Hall

1 comment:

Jen said...

That is easily the coolest thing I've ever seen. I want one for my house.

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